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You searched for "Comparison"
12 FAQs Found
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What do the yield and stop sign indicators on the Comparison screen mean?
How do I sort the Comparison screen by a column other than the Total Premium?
How can I quickly change limits or deductibles after rating a quote without having to go back to that tab in the quote entry?
How do I get back to the Comparison screen listing all of my companies from the Quote Breakdown screen for a specific company?
What does the red and green highlighting on the Comparison screen mean?
What does the asterisk * in the Term column next to the number mean on the comparison screen?
What do the little indicators to the left of the company name on the Comparison screen mean (green diamond, yellow circle, red box)?
How does Combined Coverage work (available in Illinois only)?
How do I save a quote?
How can I remove, add or reorder the columns that display on the comparison screen?
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