
FAQ ID # 57
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I save a quote?

Answer / Solution

To save a new quote:

  1. Rate the new quote.
  2. If you do not want to save the quote to a specific insurance company:
    • You can save it from the Comparison screen with no company selected.
    • From the Comparison screen, click on the File menu and select Save Quote or click on the black and white disk on the toolbar.
    • Enter the insured information, if you have not completed this on the Policy (F3) tab.  The minimum that is required on this screen is the insured's first and last name and zip code.
    • Click on OK to save and exit this screen.
    • When you pull up this quote at a later time, the Company Name column will be blank.
  3. To save the quote from the quote Breakdown screen:
    • Select a company from the Comparison screen and go to the Breakdown screen. 
    • Click on the File menu and select Save Quote or click on the black and white disk on the toolbar.
    • Enter the insured information, if you have not completed this on the Policy (F3) tab.  The minimum that is required on this screen is the insured's first and last name and zip code.
    • Click on OK to save and exit this screen.
    • When you pull up this quote at a later time, the Company Name column will display the company's name that you save this quote for.


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Saving quote comparison breakdown screen

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