
FAQ ID # 100
Last Update : 2009/08/27
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Question / Issue
How does Combined Coverage work (available in Illinois only)?

Answer / Solution

Combined Coverage (available in Illinois only):

  1. Combined Coverage allows you to rate liability coverage with one company and physical damage with another.
  2. You can also combine the premiums from each of these companies and finance them through one finance company.
  3. First you will need to turn Combine Coverage on (see the link at the bottom of this page).
  4. If you intend to finance the premiums, you will need to install a finance company (see the link at the bottom of the page on how to add a company).
  5. You will need to be sure that you have at least one company installed that will allow physical damage only policies.
  6. You will need to be sure that your companies will allow outside financing.
  7. Rate a full coverage quote.
  8. On the Comparison screen, you will see a small highlight bar over the lowest available premium combination for liability and physical damage.
  9. You will also see these companies listed at the bottom right of the screen with the premium for each as well as the Combined Total Premium.
  10. You can keep this selection or decide to choose another liability or physical damage company by left clicking the premium amount in either the Liab Premium or PD Premium columns.  New selections will be reflected in the lower right portion of the screen.
  11. Once you have made your selections, click on the Select button at the bottom middle of the screen.
  12. An Independent Financing screen will appear.
  13. If you have multiple finance companies installed, you can make your selection and click on OK.
  14. Next, you will be asked for your selection in the Quote Printing Options box:
    • Detail Quotes and Summary - prints each company quote and a summary page.
    • Summary Only - prints only the summary page for both quotes.
  15. When the quote Breakdown screen appears, you will begin previewing the quote starting with the liability company quote.  To preview each page, click on the hand icon at the top of the screen on the second toolbar next to the number of pages text box.
  16. You can then print your quotes and/or summary.




Combined Coverage Comparison screen.pdf (45.6Kb)

Related FAQs
How do I add a new company to my Comparative Rater?
How do I turn on Combined Coverage (Illinois only)?

Direct Link to This FAQ

Combined Coverage Comparison screen

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