
FAQ ID # 73
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
What do the little indicators to the left of the company name on the Comparison screen mean (green diamond, yellow circle, red box)?

Answer / Solution

What the credit indicators mean on the Comparison screen:

This means that you have credit scoring activated.

  1. The green diamond, yellow circle, and the red box are credit scoring indicators.  These signs will only be displayed for those companies that have live credit scoring or Real-Time Rating available in ITC's Comparative Rater.
  2. When a quote has been rated, initially all the indicators will display as a yellow circle.  This means that credit has not been verified for any company.
  3. After you run credit (filled out the Insurance Scoring/Real-Time Rating pop up screen), all indicators will either turn to a green diamond or a red box:
    • A green diamond indicates that a credit score has been obtained and applied to the insurance company to calculate the rate.
    • A red box means that a score has not been obtained, which may be for a variety of reasons such as: your producer code was not entered and could not validate the agency, the company failed the company rules check or premium check, etc.  Each company may have their own rules that the quote must meet before a credit score is obtained. 
        • If the score is not obtained, the program will automatically use the assumed credit entry that you have selected in the Insurance Score field (i.e. Best, Average, Worst, No Hit, No Score).  OR
        • If you have an entry for the credit score for that particular company on the Company Questions screen, it will use that assumed score.

NOTE: The Comparative rater, for all companies that ITC generates a rate for (all non Real-Time Rating companies), has a set program priority in determining what is used for the company rate calculation with regard to credit scoring:

    • The live credit score will over-ride any other credit score entries in the program.
    • The Company Question credit score entry field will over-ride the Insurance Score entry field.
    • The Insurance Score field will be used if live credit is not run and there is no company question answered.

Related FAQs
How do I turn the credit scoring option on in the Comparative Rater?

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Credit indicators comparison screen green diamond yellow circle red box

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