
FAQ ID # 53
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
What do the yield and stop sign indicators on the Comparison screen mean?

Answer / Solution

Comparison screen yield and stop sign indicators:

  1. The yellow yield sign to the far left of the company name means that the company has some underwriting warning messages to make you aware of before writing the risk.  Items such as: needing inspections on all vehicles or when the first payment is due.
  2. The red stop sign with a white X means that the risk is unacceptable according the underwriting guidelines for that company.
  3. You can view the warning/error message by selecting the company or if you have the Show Warning/Error Hints options turned on, you can point your mouse at the company to pop up the message.

NOTE: Credit scoring messages do not currently display in the pop up hints.  You must double click on the company to view the entire message box. 

Comparison screen underwriting indicators.pdf (321.3Kb)

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Comparison screen yield stop sign icons indicators

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