
FAQ ID # 43
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
What does the asterisk * in the Term column next to the number mean on the comparison screen?

Answer / Solution

Term column asterisk *:

  1. This means that the Estimated Term Selected option is turned on.
  2. An asterisk will display next to the term value for any company that does not have the policy term available that you entered on the policy tab.
  3. The companies that have an asterisk next to the term will display a multiple policy premium to match the term that was entered.  When you select that company, you will get a warning message that the term selected is invalid and that the breakdown screen will show the valid term premium. 
    • For example:  A Semi-Annual term is selected on the policy tab.  When you rate the risk, the companies that have only a one-month term available will show a total policy premium on the comparison screen as a montly policy multiplied by 6.
  4. To turn this option off and display the closest valid term regardless of the term entered:
    • Go to the Edit menu and select Options or click on the icon that looks like a gear on the toolbar at the top of the screen.
    • Click on the Compare tab.
    • In the lower portion of the screen in the Other section, uncheck the Estimated Term Selected option.
    • Click on Apply and OK to save and exit this screen.



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Estimated term selected asterisk

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