
FAQ ID # 52
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How can I quickly change limits or deductibles after rating a quote without having to go back to that tab in the quote entry?

Answer / Solution

Using recalculation entries on the Comparison screen:

  1. You must have the Show Recalulation Entries selection turned on in Options:
    • Go to the Edit menu and select Options or click on the icon that looks like a gear on the toolbar.
    • Go to the Compare tab.
    • Click in the box next to Show Recalculation Entries.
    • Click on Apply and OK to save and exit this screen. 
  2. After you've rated a quote,  you can then change limits, deductibles, policy term, etc. at the top of the Comparison screen.
  3. To apply these changes to your quote for all companies, you must click on the Re-Rate button located on the upper middle of the screen. 

Comparison screen Re-Rate option.pdf (103.5Kb)

Direct Link to This FAQ

Re-rate recalculation entries comparison screen

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