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You searched for "Condominium"

7 FAQs Found
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Commercial Residential condominium WIND ONLY Special classs Please tell me what and when is property type other structure(Dwelling Policy Applicable)-Masonry is used. I see the rate is a big difference rating it with that class or rated as a detached open sided structure masonry.
REGARDING CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION BLDG. Does Citizens Commercial Residential Multi-Peril policy include Law & Ordinance? If excluded can it be endorsed at an additional premium???
I rated a condominium association and and my base premium for the residential building and 3 of my pools combined are 5 dollars less than citizens base premiums. Cant find why. Is there a slight glitch in the system?
We have received separate from the Building Wind Mitigation forms for a rec building and for garages for a Condominium we will be insuring. My question: When quoting these items on Turbo Rater, are the wind mits applicable for the rec building and garages?
How do I rate separate deductibles example main condominium building at $5000 but auxiliary buildings such as guard house at 1000
Why when quoting an Apartment - non-residential due to the transient occupancy, does the builders risk section answer YES & you are unable to change it to no.
In the Policy Info Section can I use Home Owner Association policy type for condominium buildings that are organized under a homeowners association?
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