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9 FAQs Found
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If I decide to order the FL/Wind rating system is it possible to obtain a payment plan? I'm a new Citizens Property Insurance Corp. Agent in Florida and I want to build up a book of business for both Residential & Non- Residential policies. Please answer soonest. Thank you!
We have rated a risk with wind mitigation credits and when comparing to the renewal offer by Citizens, your system's Wind Mitigation Credit is $8,354 vs Citizen's $13,295. We have checked each detail of the mitigation and see that you system does not allow an n/a option for FBC Wind Speed or FBC Wind Design nor an option for n/a on the Roof-Wall Connection . These are the only differences in the details yet such a large difference in the credit allowed. Please advise if you have a rating error in your program; if not how can I get my quote corrected?
What does the Pre-Fill option do?
I rated a condominium association and and my base premium for the residential building and 3 of my pools combined are 5 dollars less than citizens base premiums. Cant find why. Is there a slight glitch in the system?
Can users be restricted from deleting quotes from the system?
I sent a submission for 8/1/12 effective date to Citizens commercial non residential multi peril and they say I need to send the most current version of form CIT CNRM-2 (07/12) and CIT CNRM-3 (07/12) Obviously these forms were not in your system at time of submission. Are they now loaded? If not, when can we expect to have them? Thank you.
Please advise if Loss Runs can be obtained from your system.
When rating dwelling under construction, I have to use the commercial form, but system only lets me use limit of up to $1,000,000. I know values can be issued higher, how do I get around this in system?
Does the rating system quote first loss policies in the commercial multi-peril non-residential program?
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