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You searched for "maximum"
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What are the maximum Eligible Replacement Cost Values per coverage type (Building, Contents,BI/EE) and what are the Maximum and Minimum Policy Limits?
I am trying to rate a Commercial Wind Only Builders Risk quote in TurboRater and I am getting the following error: " Combined coverage exceeds $1,000,000 Maximum Allowed for commercial policy forms". The limit of the building is $2,700,000. Per the manual, it states I may need to manually rate this with the First Loss rules. Is this correct? And what do I need to do to do this??
Will the Turbo Storm rater for WIND ONLY rate a warehouse with a value of 1,321,000. I keep getting error Combined coverage exceeds $1,000,000 maximum. Thank you.
What is the max limit available for "Builders Risk Wind Only" Policy for Residental Condo
I'm trying to rate a commercial non-residential wind policy with a Building Value of $1,158,800 and Building Amount of Insurance of $1,000,000 and get the following errors: 1. For first loss rating, the building amount of insurance must be less than 80% of the building value. 2. Building #1: Combined Coverage Exceeds $1,000,000 Maximum Allowed for commercial policy forms. ; If I reduce the Building Amount of Insurance to $927,040 I get the following error: Building #1: Amount of insurance must be at least $1,000,000 for first loss rating. How do I get around these errors?
What is the maximum value per building that can be rated for Commercial-Residential risks?
What is the maximum value per building coverage that Citizens will insured?
Is there a maximum number of buildings that I can enter on a quote?
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