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You searched for "difference"

8 FAQs Found
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What is the difference between Terrain Exposure C and B for the Windstorm Mitigation Credit?
differences between a personal lines multi-peril policy and a commercial lines multi-peril policy
What can I do to get assistance on determining the reason for a rate difference between a policy issued by Citizens and TurboStorm?
what is the difference between roof cover level A or B????? Also, when you have a reinforced concrete roof deck is the roof cover level A or B????????
We have rated a risk with wind mitigation credits and when comparing to the renewal offer by Citizens, your system's Wind Mitigation Credit is $8,354 vs Citizen's $13,295. We have checked each detail of the mitigation and see that you system does not allow an n/a option for FBC Wind Speed or FBC Wind Design nor an option for n/a on the Roof-Wall Connection . These are the only differences in the details yet such a large difference in the credit allowed. Please advise if you have a rating error in your program; if not how can I get my quote corrected?
Commercial Residential condominium WIND ONLY Special classs Please tell me what and when is property type other structure(Dwelling Policy Applicable)-Masonry is used. I see the rate is a big difference rating it with that class or rated as a detached open sided structure masonry.
I rated a condominium association and and my base premium for the residential building and 3 of my pools combined are 5 dollars less than citizens base premiums. Cant find why. Is there a slight glitch in the system?
What is the difference between commercial non-residential and commercial residential rating?
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