Search Results
You searched for "1-1-2011"

41 FAQs Found
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2005 Emergency Assessment surcharge change effective 7-1-2011
Are the Jan 1, 2011 rates available yet?
Are the new 1/1/2011 rates in Turbo yet?
Is there any way I can have the 1/1/2011 rates apply to a quote I alreqdy have in Turbo? I don't really want to input everything again once the new rates are available.
Have the new 10-1-2008 applications been added to TurboStorm?
Why should I continue to use TurboStorm for the 2014 new rates for Citizens when they now have their own program?
What does the Multi-Peril error message: " Bldg #1 - Invalid Group I and Calendar-year Group II deductible combination for Building value mean?
Are the new 2-1-2014 Wind Only Citizens rates available in TurboStorm?
Are the new 1-1-2014 Multi-Peril rates updated in TurboStorm?
Are the applications in each line of rating approved by Citizens?
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