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You searched for "windstorm"

8 FAQs Found
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What is the difference between Terrain Exposure C and B for the Windstorm Mitigation Credit?
What does the Windstorm Protective Device Classes refer to?
What do I select in a Windstorm Mitigation feature's entry field if a particular item does not apply?
What you should know and select when a risk with a Reinforced Concrete Roof Deck is rated with Windstorm Mitigation.
Why is the Wind Mitigation selection not available when I am rating a Commercial Non-Residential risk?
What will the Windstorm or Hail deductibles be applied to?
Are wind mitigation credits available on non-residential buildings like a clubhouse?
FAQ ID#260. Where do you find the answer that you stated regarding the mit credits on Auxillary buildings in the Citizens manuel?
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