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You searched for "separate"

7 FAQs Found
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Why does TurboStorm show and allow me to select separate deductibles in Wind Only for Commercial-Non Residential risks?
I have many condo associations and they often have detached garages and pool houses. Can you rate these with the condo buildings or must they be rated separately as Other Buildings? The special class tab does not include these anxillary buildings as a special class but they are not the same CSP code so should not have the same rating factors as the residential buildings. How should they be rated?
We have received separate from the Building Wind Mitigation forms for a rec building and for garages for a Condominium we will be insuring. My question: When quoting these items on Turbo Rater, are the wind mits applicable for the rec building and garages?
How do I rate separate deductibles example main condominium building at $5000 but auxiliary buildings such as guard house at 1000
Can I rate two separate buildings with two separate addresses that are next to each other on one (the same) quote? The named insured is the same for both (same owner)
Can Business Income be written separately from Extra Expense coverage?
I have a 4 unit condo association which is in the wind pool. Can I include wind when quoting the Commercial Residential Multi-Peril or must I exclude wind and quote a separate Citizens wind quote?
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