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You searched for "eligible"

11 FAQs Found
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Where can I find a map of the windpool areas?
How do I determine if a risk is in a Wind-Eligible area (Wind Pool)?
Where do I find the Citizens CSP codes that are eligible or ineligible?
What are the maximum Eligible Replacement Cost Values per coverage type (Building, Contents,BI/EE) and what are the Maximum and Minimum Policy Limits?
Trying to rate a Builders Risk for a single family dwelling. Completed Value form at 100% coinsurance. When entered it says error exceeding the $1,000,000. building limit for commercial policy forms but since its a single family dwelling it should be eligible. How do I get a rate for this using BR-A rate table??
Can I rate an inland wind only policy?
Property located @ 4510 Lee Blvd, Lehigh Acres, FL Incumbent is non-renewing all business in county. Client's commercial policy insurer does not allow rented dwellings on their policy. Checked Citizen's website, property is not listed, therefore not eligible. Can I go through TurboStorm to rate a Commercial Residential Multi-Peril quote for this home, owned by corporate entity which is a seasonal rental home? Please confirm & thank you!
Does Citizens write Commercial Residential Buildings partially built over water, such as a bay? I thought this types of construction was ineligible, but wondered why the question is asked on the application.
May I write an A rate monoline wind policy in a non wind pool eligible location?
Is there someplace I can go to verify if my risk is in the Wind eligible area?
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