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8 FAQs Found
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Does TurboStorm automatically save my quotes?
How do I rate a commercial building such as an office in the Wind Only program (What Policy type do I use)?
On my mitigation form for both Roof Deck Attachment and Roof-Wall Connection, the Mitigation form has NO ATTIC ACCESS checked-off. When rating what options do I select, as No Attic Access is an option you can choose? Also, how does having no Attic Access under these categories affect the premium?
What other products does ITC offer for agents in Florida?
We have rated a risk with wind mitigation credits and when comparing to the renewal offer by Citizens, your system's Wind Mitigation Credit is $8,354 vs Citizen's $13,295. We have checked each detail of the mitigation and see that you system does not allow an n/a option for FBC Wind Speed or FBC Wind Design nor an option for n/a on the Roof-Wall Connection . These are the only differences in the details yet such a large difference in the credit allowed. Please advise if you have a rating error in your program; if not how can I get my quote corrected?
cps code, nature of business code and territory for a dental office where do i find it?
does a mobile office building have the same requirements for tie downs etc and rated as a mobile home?
Can I look up or print off endorsements processed on commerical wind only accounts?
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