Question / Issue |
How do I associate policies for the same customer? |
Answer / Solution |
To associate policies:
- Open one of the existing policies for your customer to the Policy Summary Screen.
- Click on the Additional Policies button at the bottom of the screen.
- Click on Associate an existing policy with this Client to access the list of your existing client database.
- For the online IP version:
- To select the client's policy you want to associate with, click on the button at the end of the entry field.
- A Choose/Search Client - Lookup all policies box will appear.
- Type in the name of the client you want to associate a policy with.
- When the correct client policy is highlighted, click on the OK button at the top right of the screen.
- On the Policy Summary Screen, click on the OK button next to the client name.
- To view this newly associated policy for your customer, click on the Additional Policies button.