Question / Issue |
What do the download transaction type abbreviations mean and which ones are supported by InsurancePro? |
Answer / Solution |
Below is a list of download transaction types:
ACR - Account Current Reconciliation
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
APV - Surety Bond Approval
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
ARR - Anniversary Re-Rating
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
BDC - Bond Closed
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
BND - Binder
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
BRQ - Surety Bond Request
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
BRS - Surety Bid Bond Results
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
CLI - Claim Information
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
COM - Direct Bill Commission Detail
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
CON - Contact
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
CSQ - Claims Inquiry
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
DBR - Direct Bill Reconciliation
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
DBS - Direct Bill Status
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
DIV - Dividend Transaction
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
DSP - Download Setup Transaction
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
ERR - Error Messages
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
LNT - Loss Notice
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
MEM - Electronic Memo(s)
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
NBQ - New Business Quote
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
NBS - New Business
All the client's detailed information in the Downloaded Transaction will either be Synchronized with an existing entry or entered as a new policy in the Database.
NRA - Non renewal notification to agency
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
PAB - Premium Audit
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
PCH - Policy Change
All the client's detailed information in the Downloaded Transaction will either be Synchronized with an existing entry or entered as a new policy in the Database.
PCQ - Policy Change Quote
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
PMT - Payment
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
PNQ - Policy Inquiry
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
POL - Policy (un-specified). To be used when the Cycle/ Business P
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
PRT - Miscellaneous Print
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
REI - Reinstatement
All the client's detailed information in the Downloaded Transaction will be entered as a new Renewal policy in the Database.
REV - Assignment Reversal
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
REW - Rewrite
All the client's detailed information in the Downloaded Transaction will be entered as a new Renewal policy in the Database.
RIX - Re - Issue
All the client's detailed information in the Downloaded Transaction will be entered as a new Renewal policy in the Database.
RNR - Reversal of Non-Renewal
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
RRQ - Renewal Re-Quote
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
RWL - Renewal Image
All the client's detailed information in the Downloaded Transaction will be entered as a new Quote in the Database.
RWQ - Renewal Quote
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
RWR - Renewal Request
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
RWX - Non-Renewal (Sent To Policyholder/Copy Agency)
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.
SYN - Data Base Synchronization.
All the client's detailed information in the Downloaded Transaction will either be Synchronized with an existing entry or entered as a new policy in the Database.
SYR - Database Synchronization Request
All the client's detailed information in the Downloaded Transaction will either be Synchronized with an existing entry or entered as a new policy in the Database.
XLC - Cancellation Confirmation
All the client's detailed information in the Downloaded Transaction will either change a current entry as Cancelled or be entered as a Cancelled policy in the Database.
XLN - Cancellation Request
This type of Transaction is currently not supported/processed by InsurancePro.