
FAQ ID # 416
Scanning or Attaching a Document to a Client
Last Update : 2023/01/09
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Question / Issue
How do I attach a document to a Policy in InsurancePro?

Answer / Solution

To attach a document to a policy inside of InsurancePro please do the following:

  1. Find client using the Find Existing Policies screen.
  2. On the Policy Summary Screen of the Client click on Scans & Documents on the left side of the screen.
  3. If it is a document that you have on your computer you can double click on Add New Image/File and point to where the file is saved on your computer.
  4. It will then ask you to give a display name that will be listed in the program.
  5. It will then be listed on the page after it is uploaded.

To Scan a Document into InsurancePro please do the following:

  1. Find client using the Find Existing Policies Screen.
  2. On the Policy Summary Screen of the Client click on Scans & Documents on the left side of the screen.
  3. At the bottom of the screen click on Scan a Document.
  4. On the next screen leave it on Use Manufacturer's Driver Settings and click on OK.
  5. Then select your scanner that is listed and the system will then launch the Scanner Driver Software and you can scan the Document.
  6. Once it is scanned it will then ask you to give the scanned document a display name.
  7. It will then be listed on the page after it is uploaded.

Direct Link to This FAQ

Scanning Attaching AMAX Document

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