Recommendation - Remove proxy settings from Internet Explorer or set the proxy settings in Internet Explorer to the recommended proxy setup by your IT staff
Scanned signatures corruption - log message indicates an error adding a duplicate key to a collection
Recommendation - escalate to next level of support
Hosts file is corrupted typically found at
Recommendation - Have IT department of agency verify that the hosts file is clean. If this file is not clean, it most likely indicates a virus is present on the computer.
More information on the host file ishere. The agency is responsible for the contents of this file.
Firewalls (software or hardware)
Recommendation - Ports 80, 1855, 443, 21, and appropriate email ports should be allowed. InsurancePro should be considered a safe application by any installed firewall software applications.
Recommendation - Endpoints that require access are as follows
FTP: /
Database (please use the name of the server when possible):
Recommendation - Repair .NET Framework if not recently installed
Current date/time setting of the operating system
Recommendation - Set the date/time of the operating system to the current date and time
If you get "The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail." delete the InsuracePro.exe.config and run installer again.