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Preferences (61 FAQs)

Top 10 FAQs For This Topic
How do I add a new company or remove companies from a company group to be rated?
How to add to or modify company groups
How do I set up my bridges?
How do I force bridged quotes to be marked bound automatically?
Basic Reports Access for Standard or Restricted Users
Basic Reports Access for Standard or Restricted Users
What are Click to Rate Companies?
How do I restrict a user from printing an auto insurance card or binder?
How do I apply Quote Templates for multiple states?
How do I set a quote template for everyone in the agency?
quote template settings
How to Require a Lead Source be Entered on Quotes
How to set up a SambaSafety or Compass Driving Records MVR account in TurboRater.

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How do I add or update leinholder information?
How do I add or update leinholder information?
What is the difference between Policy Status and Bound Status?
Poolicy Status vs Bound Status
How do I rate dwelling policies only?
How to set the default payment method
Setting the default payment method
How do we update the lienholder list if an address changes, or we need a new lienholder saved etc...
How to enable Homeowners rating in TurboRater
Setting Up Homeowners Rating
How do I disable/enable the "Reason not Bound" drop down menu on the bridging screen?
How to change the requirement for the Bound/Not Bound menu
Generic Financing Setup
Generic Financing Setup
Trigger the Location Selection box to choose default location after login
roaming agents, change location often
How do I set up two-factor authentication?
How to set up Two-Factor Authentication
Location Assignment Settings
Quote Assignment Settings
How to make Phone Number a required entry
How to make Phone Number a required entry
How to activate AgencyBuzz in TurboRater
How to activate AgencyBuzz in TurboRater
Basic Reports Access for Standard or Restricted Users
Basic Reports Access for Standard or Restricted Users
Making fields required
Required Fields
How do I set a quote template for everyone in the agency?
quote template settings
How do I deactivate Reliant’s Fee for Service Program?
How to Deactivate Reliant's Fee for Service Programs
How do I resort ranked companies?
How to require address for every quote?
How do I restrict a Location Admin to only their assigned locations?
How to Require a Lead Source be Entered on Quotes
How do I force bridged quotes to be marked bound automatically?
What is Reason Not Bound?
How do I default a Contact Method?
How do I modify the list of Contact Methods?
How to activate Combined Coverage
How to set up a SambaSafety or Compass Driving Records MVR account in TurboRater.
Can I force my agents to have to save every quote?
The location data is not fully going through - only the zip code, not the county or city - why?
Zip code issue
What is Combined Coverage?
combined coverage
How do you upload a logo?
How do I activate Homeowner rating in TurboRater?
How to Activate Homeowner Rating
What are Click to Rate Companies?
How do I restrict a user from printing an auto insurance card or binder?
How do I enter the Commission percentage for each company?
How do I apply Quote Templates for multiple states?
How do I set a Quote Template default for an individual user?
How do I limit Restricted and Standard Users from editing or deleting notes?
How do I turn on the Single Entry Screen?
How do I set up TurboRater to use my agency's email server or domain?
How do I assign users to a Company Group?
How do I add a new company or remove companies from a company group to be rated?
How to add to or modify company groups
How do I change the program to bump down to the closest limits or deductibles for companies that don't have the those available that I enter on the quote?
If I only want those companies to give a rate that match the limits and deductibles that I enter, how to I make those that don't match error out?
How do I get the Notes I enter on the quote to print out on the quote?
How do I set a default Quote Description for all new quotes?
How do I modify an existing Quote Description?
What is the Quote Description entry field used for?
What does the * (asterisk) after the number in the term column mean on the Comparison screen?
How do I add Quote Descriptions to the program?
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