Topics > Quote Utilities

Quote Utilities (13 FAQs)

Top 10 FAQs For This Topic
What are Click to Rate Companies?
How do I apply Quote Templates for multiple states?
What carriers does TurboRater partner with in Mexico?
Which Mexican carriers are linked to TurboRater
How do I export saved quotes to an Excel file?
Basic Reports Excel export instructions.
How Do I Bridge to American Heartland or United Equity?
American Heartland & United Equity Application Process
How do I run a report on the number of policies bound by producer?
Can I restore a deleted quote?
How do I run a report to determine the number of quotes by producer?
Where can I find the details of the End User License Agreement (EULA) for TurboRater?
Which lead vendors can be used with TurboRater?
Supported lead sources

Recently Added FAQs To This Topic
Setting up Velocify integration with AgencyBuzz and TurboRater
Setting up Velocify integration with AgencyBuzz and TurboRater
What is the difference between Policy Status and Bound Status?
Poolicy Status vs Bound Status
What carriers does TurboRater partner with in Mexico?
Which Mexican carriers are linked to TurboRater
How Do I Bridge to American Heartland or United Equity?
American Heartland & United Equity Application Process
Which lead vendors can be used with TurboRater?
Supported lead sources
What are Click to Rate Companies?
How do I apply Quote Templates for multiple states?
How do I run a report to determine the number of quotes by producer?
How do I run a report on the number of policies bound by producer?
How do I email a quote from TurboRater?
Where can I find the details of the End User License Agreement (EULA) for TurboRater?
How do I export saved quotes to an Excel file?
Basic Reports Excel export instructions.
Can I restore a deleted quote?
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