Topics > Reports

Reports (33 FAQs)

Top 10 FAQs For This Topic
How do I force bridged quotes to be marked bound automatically?
Basic Reports Access for Standard or Restricted Users
Basic Reports Access for Standard or Restricted Users
How do I export saved quotes to an Excel file?
Basic Reports Excel export instructions.
Why would I make lead sources required?
Why would you make lead sources required?
How do I export the Performance Reports?
Detailed instructions on how to export the Performance Reports into various formats
What is the Producers/Cust Serv Reps Performance Report?
How do I run a report on the number of policies bound by producer?
What Quote Analysis Reports are available?
performance reports, quote analysis, limit analysis
Can I restore a deleted quote?
What formats are available for the Performance Reports?
A list of the various type of formats performance reports are available in

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Basic Reports - Auto Excel Report Details
Excel Auto Report Choices Expanded
Basic Reports Training Video
Basic Reports Training Video Link
How to filter for multiple zip codes in Basic Reports
enter multiple zip codes in Basic Reports
Basic Reports Access for Standard or Restricted Users
Basic Reports Access for Standard or Restricted Users
Why would I make lead sources required?
Why would you make lead sources required?
How to Run a Closing Ratio Report
Closing Ratio Report
What is the Contact Methods Report?
Tracking and monitoring quotes by contact method
How do I run a report on Contact Methods for quotes entered?
contact method
How do I print out my reminder notes?
How do I specify the number of notes included on each quote in the Notes Detail Report?
How do I force bridged quotes to be marked bound automatically?
What is the Lead Source Report and how do I run it?
How to track lead sources
What is the Insurance Company Performance Report?
How to monitor the quoting activity by insurance company
What is the Agency Overview Report
Reports for monitoring your agency's performance
What is the Locations Performance Report
How do I monitor the performance of each of my locations?
What is the Quotes Not Bound Report?
How can I report on why we are loosing sales?
What is the Closing Ratio Report?
Learn how your producers, locations, insurance companies, lead sources, contact methods, and the agency overall is performing
What is the Data Entry Quality Report?
A detailed explanation of what a Data Quality Report is
What is the difference between Quotes Entered and Quotes Modified?
How do I export the Performance Reports?
Detailed instructions on how to export the Performance Reports into various formats
What Quote Analysis Reports are available?
performance reports, quote analysis, limit analysis
What formats are available for the Performance Reports?
A list of the various type of formats performance reports are available in
What is the Overview Report?
Description of the Overview Reports
What is the Producers/Cust Serv Reps Performance Report?
How do I run a report to determine the number of quotes by producer?
How do I run a report on the number of policies bound by producer?
What does Locations mean in the New User setup?
Can I do a search of my quotes by an insureds Social Security Number?
How do I get a Geographical map view of quotes saved or written?
How do I export saved quotes to an Excel file?
Basic Reports Excel export instructions.
What kind of Basic Reports can I run?
Basic Reports Descriptions
Where do I go to run quote reports?
Reports access and menu
Can I restore a deleted quote?
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