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Topics > Reports > FAQ ID # 95

FAQ ID # 95
Last Update : 2015/08/14
Rating : Not Rated
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Question / Issue
How do I get a Geographical map view of quotes saved or written?

Answer / Solution

Geographical Mapping of saved quotes:

NOTE: You must be an Agency or Location Admin to access this feature.

  1. Go to the Report menu and select Basic.
  2. Select the criteria and dates for the quotes that you want to map.
  3. Click on the Geographical Map button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. The map for your area will appear.
  5. To shrink the size of the map, click on the magnifying glass with a minus sign in it or increase the size by clicking on the magnifying glass with a plus sign.
  6. You will see red diamond marks on the map for each quote.
  7. You will see a blue diamond for the location of your agency.
  8. If you hover your mouse over a diamond mark, the name and address of the insured will appear in a text box.

Direct Link to This FAQ

Geographical map saved quotes

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