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Topics > Program Administration > FAQ ID # 878

FAQ ID # 878
Setting Up Homeowners Rating
Last Update : 2017/11/28
Rating : Not Rated
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Question / Issue
How to enable Homeowners rating in TurboRater

Answer / Solution

This is a two part process that requires an Agency Admin level account.

  1. Enabling the homeowner carrier(s) in your company group(s)
    1. Go to the Administration menu.
    2. Click on List Company Groups.
    3. Click on Edit next to the company group you wish to add Homeowners to.
    4. Ensure you have the correct state selected.
    5. Click on the drop down next to Insurance Line, and select Homeowners.
    6. Place a check under Active next to each carrier you wish to rate Homeowners with.
    7. Click on Edit Info to the right of the name of each active carrier, one at a time
    8. Enter the Producer Code, Ratine User Name, and Rating Password for each carrier
    9. Click on the Save Changes button at the bottom, and click Yes on the pop up.
    10.  Repeat steps 3-9 for each additional state - if you are doing business in more than one.
    11. Repeat steps 3-10 for each additional company group you want to have homeowners.
    12. Click on Exit Administration.
  2. Enabling Homeowners Rating privelages in your TurboRater users.
    1.  Go to the Administration menu.
    2. Click on List Users
    3. Click on Edit next to the user you want to add Homeowners to.
    4. Put a check next to Homeowner under Permissions and Rating.
    5. Click on Submit
    6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each user.
    7. Click on Exit Administration.

Direct Link to This FAQ

Homeowner Rating Setup

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