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Topics > Bridging > FAQ ID # 125

FAQ ID # 125
First Chicago Bridge install instructions
Last Update : 2019/06/19
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Question / Issue
How do I setup and install the First Chicago bridge?

Answer / Solution

If you are looking for the LoneStar Bridge: Click Here

  1. You will need to download the bridge file from First Chicago
  2. Click here to access the PTS website. You do not need to log into the PTS website. You can close out of the log in page. Pop-up Blockers may need to be turned off to complete the bridging process.
  3. Click on the "Click here" if you need to download the latest version 2.0 comparative rater bridge.
  4. It should download a file called JPHoldings_install.exe
  5. Run or open the file and it will start a self extraction that looks like this:
  6. Click the Unzip button on the Self Extractor and click OK on the window that appears.
  7. The setup program should run automatically.
  8. Click Next
  9. Click Yes to the software license agreement
  10. On the Choose Destination Location window, click the Browse button
  11. 64-bit computers have two program files folders; a Program Files and a Program Files (x86). The installer will try to install it to the x86 folder by default if your PC is 64-bit.
  12. Click in the path window and delete " (x86)" so that the path shows " C:\Program Files\XImport20\JPHoldings "
    1. Note: If your PC is 32-bit you will only have the option to install to Program Files, this is correct and you do not need to change the destination.
  13. Click OK
  14. Click Next, Next, and Finish.
  15. Bridge is now installed.


Related Links
First Chicago Website for bridge download

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Direct Link to This FAQ

First Chicago bridge download installation JPHolding

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