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You searched for "one"

12 FAQs Found
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How do I setup and install the Lonestar bridge?
How do I setup and install the Lonestar bridge? 
How do I set a quote template for everyone in the agency?
quote template settings 
How to make Phone Number a required entry
How to make Phone Number a required entry 
Bridging Error to PTS web sites.
I had a quote started by our intern that she saved. When I tried to open it at a different station under another account, the program asked me if I wanted to use it as a read only or to unlock it so it could be changed. Since more work needed to be done, I unlocked it. When I finished the quote and tried to save it I received the following message: "An error occurred saving the quote [XXX]. The Save Failed [The policy save failed. You do not have the policy locked.]." How do I now save this quote for later reference? Can I "Lock" this quote somehow so I can save it? Little help here.
How can I quickly rate just one specific company?
How do I change the address, phone number or other information for a location?
How do I change the address, phone number or other information for a location? 
How do I turn off one of the multiple rating programs or tiers that a company has?
The Fast Re-Rate section is gone on the Comparison screen, how do I get it show again?
I selected the wrong vehicle submodel on the Vehicles tab, how do I bring back up the Symbol Detail Selection screen to choose a different one?
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