Question / Issue |
How to create or update a company group or add a company in TurboRater |
Answer / Solution |
For quoting purposes, carriers are added to “Company Groups” in TurboRater.
Be sure to add the carrier to all applicable Company Groups if you have more than one Company Group in TurboRater.
To view a video of this process click HERE
To add a company to a company group for All States:
- This feature should be used if the agent has more than one state and the carrier information (ex. Producer code) is the same
- Go to Administration
- Click Edit Companies to edit your currently assigned company group or choose Administration > List Company Groups to choose a group to edit
- Click the Edit button next to the desired company group
- Select the Line of Business and the “All States” selection for Product
- Check the box under Active for the desired company to add
- Click on Edit Info (to the right of the company name)
- Enter needed carrier credentials (aka producer code, user name and password)
- The Agent does have the ability to overwrite any credentials entered on the state level
- Agent must select Overwrite State option next to the desired company
- This will copy the carrier credentials entered on the All States level to the individual states level
- If agent does not select Overwrite State then the credentials will only copy down to states that have no credentials entered
- If the agent has a carrier that has unique state credentials, this will need to be set up on the individual state level
To add a carrier to a company group for an individual state:
- Go to Administration
- Click Edit Companies to edit your currently assigned company group or choose Administration > List Company Groups to choose a group to edit
- Select the line of business and applicable state
- Carrier must be added for each applicable state and line of business
- Check the box under Active for the company to add.
- Click Edit Info (to the right of the company name)
- Enter needed company credentials (producer code, username and password) and save your changes.
To remove a carrier from the list of companies you quote in TurboRater:
- Go to Administration
- Click Edit Companies to edit your currently assigned company group or choose Administration > List Company Groups to choose a group to edit
- At the top of the page, select the state and line of business.
- Locate the company, and under the left Active column, uncheck the box.
- Repeat steps above for each line of business and state to remove the company from.
- At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.
Note: Updating credentials is done the same way as adding them initially, click on Edit Info to the right of each carrier you need to update credentials for and when finished click the Save button at the bottom.
Note: To the left of the carrier name, if their is not a gear icon , then ITC's bridging software must be installed on each computer. See this FAQ for assistance with installing the ITC Integration Center.