
FAQ ID # 98
Last Update : 2009/08/27
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Question / Issue
What does Entry Only mean when I click on the Application button from the quote Breakdown screen?

Answer / Solution

Entry Only message on Applications:

  1. This means that the company you are selecting does not have a printable app in the Comparative Rater.
  2. When you click on OK, you will be taken to a screen to fill out policy information.
  3. This information will be saved with your quote and used for referencing only.
  4. After filling out the information, you can click on the save icon (black and white disk on the top left of the screen).
  5. To close the screen, click on the File menu and select Close.
  6. You will receive a message: The changes you have entered for this Application have automatically been saved.  Do you have any additional changes? If you have no further changes, click No.

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Applications entry only

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