
FAQ ID # 95
Last Update : 2009/08/27
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Question / Issue
How do I import a quote into the Comparative Rater (it must be a TT2 file exported from the Comparative)?

Answer / Solution

How to import a TT2 file into the Comparative Rater:

  1. Be sure that the quotes that you want to import are saved somewhere on your network or computer.
  2. Open the Comparative Rater and go to the File menu and select Import Quote.
  3. Select the location where these quote are stored.
  4. Either double click on the quote you want to import or left click to highlight it and then click on Open. (You will only be able to import one quote at a time with this option).
  5. The quote will open and allow you to rate and save it.

Related FAQs
How do I export multiple quotes at one time?

Direct Link to This FAQ

Import quotes TT2 files export

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