
FAQ ID # 94
Last Update : 2009/08/27
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Question / Issue
How do I export multiple quotes at one time?

Answer / Solution

Exporting multiple quotes at one time:

This option is one way that you can quote in one office and send them via email to another office to import into their Comparative Rater  if you are not taking advantage of ITC's Online Storage.

  1. Go to the Tools menu and select Quote Management, then Quote Reporting or click the file cabinet icon on the toolbar and select Quote Reporting.
  2. On the Quote Report screen select the criteria for exporting the quotes.
  3. Click on the Export button.
  4. An Export Progress box will appear and count up the quotes according to the criteria you selected. 
  5. Next a Quote Export box will come up and list all of the quotes.  You can select all of them by clicking on the Select/Unselect All Quotes or by clicking on each individual name that you want to export
  6. To select the location to export the quotes, click on the Browse button.
  7. Click on OK to export each quote to an individual TT2 file. The file name will be the insured's name with a TT2 extension.

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Export mulitple quotes

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