
FAQ ID # 93
Last Update : 2009/08/27
Print this FAQ

Question / Issue
How do I print the same quote letter for multiple insureds at one time?

Answer / Solution

Batch quote letter printing:

  1. This will be done through the Quote Reporting utility.
  2. Go to the Tools menu and select Quote Management, then Quote Reporting.  Or click the file cabinet icon  on the toolbar at the top of the screen (between the Options and computer update icons) and choose Quote Reporting.
  3. Make your criteria selections on this screen such as a date range and then click on the Letters button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. You will see a Report Progress box counting up the number of quotes according to your criteria.
  5. A Quote Letters box will come up and display all of the quotes that fit the criteria that you selected in the Quote Reporting screen.
  6. You can select all of the quotes listed by clicking in the box Select/Unselect All Quotes or by choosing specific quote names from the list.
  7. Once you have made your selections, click on OK.
  8. Next you will see a box appear with your quote letter templates.
  9. Choose the template that you want to print for the insureds that you selected.
  10. Each letter will appear for you to print.  You will need to select print on each letter that opens.


Related FAQs
How do I edit or create my own quote letter template?

Direct Link to This FAQ

Generating batch quote letters

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