
FAQ ID # 91
Last Update : 2009/08/27
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Question / Issue
How do I generate a quote letter to my insured from a quote?

Answer / Solution

Generating Quote letters:

  1. There are three generic quote letter templates that are automatically installed with the Comparative Rater:
    • Cancellation
    • FollowUp
    • Renewal
  2. To use any one of these templates you will need to:
    • Rate a quote and select a company from the Comparison screen.
    • From the quote Breakdown screen, go to the Forms menu and select Quote Letter.
    • This will bring up an Open screen and list the templates for you to select.
    • Click on one of the templates and select Open.
    • This will open the document and pull in information such as:
      • Your Agency name and adress
      • The current date
      • The insured's name and address
      • In the body of the letter you will see the company name quoted, the total policy premium, payment info and monthly payments for example on the FollowUp letter. 
      • The user name for the agency that is pulling up the letter.
  3. You can print the letter and then close the screen to return to the Comparative Rater.

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Quote letters templates

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