
FAQ ID # 90
Last Update : 2009/08/27
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Question / Issue
How do I run a quote report?

Answer / Solution

How to run a quote report:

  1. Have all users exit the Comparative Rater if you are on a network.
  2. There are two ways to access the Quote Report utility:
    • Go to the Tools menu and select Quote Management, then Quote Reporting from the submenu. OR
    • Click on the file cabinet icon on the toolbar (between the Options and the computer update icons).
  3. The Quote Report screen will appear.
  4. You have multiple quote reporting options:
    • Insured Last Name and Insured First Name.
    • Date Quoted - click in the Select Date Quoted box and then enter a date range.  The date will default the current date in both fields.
    • Renewal Date - click in the Select Expiration Date box and then enter a date range.  The date will default the current date in both fields.
        • NOTE: The program can only run a report based on one date range at a time.  This means if you select Date Quoted, you will not be able to run a Renewal Date report at the same time.
    • ZIP Code - click in the Select ZIP Code box and then enter a zip code number range.
    • Companies - click in the Select Companies box and when a Company Selection screen comes up, click in the box next to the company name for those companies you want to report on.
    • Producer name - click in the Select Producer box and then when all of your users display in the area below it, select each producer that you want to report on.
    • CSR - click in the Select CSR box and then when all of your users display inthe area below it, select each CSR that you want to report on. 
    • Lead Source - click in the Lead Source box and then when all of your entered Lead Sources display, select those that you want to report on.
    • Quote Description - click in the Quote Description box and then when all of your entered Quote Discriptions display, select those that you want to report on.
        • NOTE:  You can select one or more of the items at a time listed above to generate a report.  In addition, you can select one or more of the items in a specific category (i.e. Producers) along with other items for your report.
  5. Once you have select all of the criteria for your report, click on the Report button at the bottom of the screen.
  6. The program will generate a report and bring up a quote report Print Preview screen.
  7. If you selected  Show Summary Only, the preview will show your criteria at the top and list a number of quotes that matched your request.
  8. If you have not selected Show Summary Only, your report criteria will be listed at the top of the page and then each individual insured with their address info and:
    • Company quoted
    • Producer name
    • CSR name
    • Date quoted
    • Expiration date
    • Lead Source
    • Quote Description
      • After the last insured listing, you will see the number of quotes that matched your quote report request.
  9. You can print this report by either clicking on the Print Forms button in the middle top of the screen or by clicking on the printer icon in the top left of the screen. 
  10. You can choose a specific printer to print to, other than your default printer, by clicking on the icon next to the printer icon (the icon at the farthest left of the top of the screen) to bring up the Print Setup screen.
  11. Click on the red box with a white X at the top right of the screen to exit back to the Quote Report screen.
  12. Click on the Cancel button at the bottom of the screen to exit.

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Quote reporting renewal users

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