
FAQ ID # 9
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I remove companies from my Comparative Rater that I no longer need?

Answer / Solution

Removing companies from the Comparative Rater:

  1. If you are on a network be sure that all other users have exited the program including NetSpawn users.
      • NOTE: NetSpawn users do not have access to the Company Setup.  You must go into the main copy of the program to remove a company.
  2. Close all open quotes.
  3. From the Edit menu at the top left of the screen, select Companies or press your <F9> function key on your keyboard.
  4. The Company Setup screen displays all companies that you currently have installed to the Comparative Rater.
      • NOTE:  Companies that display on this screen that do not have a checkmark next to them are installed but will not appear as a rated company on the Comparison screen.
  5. Highlight the company that you would like to remove by a single left click on the company name.
      • NOTE: You can select more than one company at a time to remove by holding down your CTRL key on your key board as you left click with your mouse on each company.
  6. Once you have selected the company or companies that you want to delete, click onthe Remove button at the bottom of the screen.
  7. You will be asked to confirm deletion of each company you selected by clicking on Yes.  If you do not want to deleted that company, click No.
  8. The company or companies will immediately be removed from the Company Setup screen.
  9. When you have completed removing companies, click the Done button at the bottom right of the screen to exit.

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How do I add a new company to my Comparative Rater?

Direct Link to This FAQ

Remove delete companies company setup

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