
FAQ ID # 87
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I turn on the Single Entry screen for quoting (TX & IL only)?

Answer / Solution

How to turn on the Single Entry screen  (Available in TX & IL only):

  1. Go to the Tools menu and select Single Entry Screen Setup.
  2. Click in the box next to Display Single Entry Screen.
  3. Select where you want this screen to be positioned in the program:
    • Display Before Policy Tab (default)
    • Display After All Tabs.
  4. The Single Entry Screen (F2)  will allow you to enter your driver and vehicle information on one screen.
  5. The other screen buttons will still display and be available, however when you rate the risk it will bypass all of those screens and take you to the Company Questions (CTRL +Q) screen.

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Turn on Single Entry screen

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