
FAQ ID # 85
Last Update : 2011/09/06
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Question / Issue
What is Real-Time Rating?

Answer / Solution

Real-Time Rating:

Real-Time Rating is a technology that allows TurboRater to electronically transmit a quote from TurboRater directly to the insurance company.  The insurance company receives the quote request, calculates the rates, and returns the quote to us.  We then display the rate received from the insurance company along with all other rates on the Quote Comparison screen. This is in contrast to manufactured rating where ITC reproduces the carrier’s rates..

Related Links
Real-Time Rating information and stats page
List of Real-Time Rating companies

Related FAQs
Is there an easy way to view/enter all of my insurance company producer codes and other information at one time?
Where do I go to enter my producer code, company code, user ID and password for a specific company?
How do I obtain a Real-Time Rating quote?

Direct Link to This FAQ

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