
FAQ ID # 77
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I get approved and activated for credit scoring for my companies in the Comparative Rater?

Answer / Solution

Company credit scoring approval and activation:

  1. There are some companies that automatically approve all agents and therefore all you will need to do is enter your producer code in the Company Setup  or Edit/Producer Codes screen.
  2. There are many other companies that require that ITC gets approval for the agents to credit score in the Comparative Rater.
  3. The link at the bottom of this screen will take you to the TurboRater - Sign up with Credit Scoring page. 
    • This will allow you to send us a request for all of your selected insurance companies that you are appointed with along with your agency information and producer code for each company to get approval.
    • The approval process varies by company.
    • As soon as you have been approved, ITC will contact you.  While you are waiting for the approval, we recommend that you enter your producer code for each company in the Comparative Rater.
    • At the bottom of the sign up page, there is a link to a list of all insurance companies that have credit scoring available in ITC's Comparative Rater that you can view.

Related Links
Comparative Rater Credit Scoring Sign up page

Related FAQs
Is there an easy way to view/enter all of my insurance company producer codes and other information at one time?
How do I turn the credit scoring option on in the Comparative Rater?
What do the little indicators to the left of the company name on the Comparison screen mean (green diamond, yellow circle, red box)?
How do I find out why a company did not obtain a credit score (a red box credit indicator next to the company name)?

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