
FAQ ID # 76
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
What is the CSR ID and the CSR Password entries on the Insurance Scoring/Real-Time Rating screen used for?

Answer / Solution

CSR ID and CSR Password entry fields:

  1. You will be required to setup and enter a CSR ID and CSR Password for those companies that ITC connects directly to ChoicePoint for a credit score.
  2. A list of companies that require this are listed by state when you click on the What's this? button at the top left of the screen.
  3. If one of your companies is listed on the screen for ChoicePoint, you will need to setup a CSR ID and CSR Password for each computer that will be running a credit score in your office.
  4. To set this information up:
    • Click on the Setup ID button at the top of the screen.
    • You will be taken to an ITC Credentialing Service - New User screen.
    • The fields indicated by an asterisk (*) are fields you are required to fill out.
    • You will create your own user name and password (something easy for you to remember).
    • Click on the Submit button at the bottom of the screen.
    • You will receive a message that the account has been created, but will not be activated until you respond to the automatic email that the system will send to the email address you entered on the form.
    • Once you receive the email, click on the link provided in the email to activate your account.
  5. Once your account is setup, you can enter your CSR ID and  CSR Password.

NOTE: The CSR ID and CSR Password will not have to be re-entered for every quote you order a score for if the Comparative rater remains open (it will remember this information for each quote).  Once you close the Comparative Rater and then open it back up, you will then need to re-enter this information on this screen for credit scoring.


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CSR ID Password Insurance Scoring Real-Time Rating screen

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