
FAQ ID # 75
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
Why is the OK button on the Insurance Scoring/Real-Time Rating screen grayed out?

Answer / Solution

The OK button on the Insurance Scoring /Real-Time Rating screen is grayed out:

  1. This means that there is missing information on this screen that is necessary to order a credit score and Real-Time Rate.
  2. The main reason for this button to gray out is that the Insured's Mailing Address/Street Address entry fields are blank.
    • When the address is initially entered in the quote on the Policy (F3) tab, the street address is entered in one entry field.  
    • When the Insurance Scoring/Real-Time Rating screen comes up, the Street Address field is broken into 4 entry fields:
      • Street number
      • Street name
      • Street type (St, Dr, Blvd, etc)
      • Apartment number (if applicable)
    • The insured's street address from the quote is imported to the Address as Entered on Policy Tab section for your convenience in entering in the 4 required fields.

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OK button insurance credit scoring real-time rating screen

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