
FAQ ID # 74
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I find out why a company did not obtain a credit score (a red box credit indicator next to the company name)?

Answer / Solution

How to find out why a company did not obtain a credit score:

  1. You will need to select the company that is showing a red box next to the company name.
  2. The last message in the warning/error box will give the reason for not obtaining the credit score for that company. Below is a list of examples for some of the reasons why a score was not obtained:
    • Your producer code is not entered in the Company Setup for that company.
    • That company may have a top 4, 5 or 10  rule - this means that before you ran a credit score, this company was not listed in the top 4, 5 or 10 companies according to total premium (multiple programs for 1 company only count as 1 company).
    • That company has a premium rule such as much be within $XXX of the lowest premium.
    • Driver's age (under 19 or 21).
    • You are missing a valid SSN.

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No credit score obtained red box

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