
FAQ ID # 72
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I turn the credit scoring option on in the Comparative Rater?

Answer / Solution

How to turn on or activate credit scoring:

NOTE: You must have your producer code entered in the Company Setup for each company.  Click on the link at the bottom of the page on how to enter your producer codes.

  1. Close any open quotes.
  2. Go to the Tools menu and select Credit Scoring Setup.
  3. The first option: Activate Comparative Credit Scoring turns credit scoring on. 
  4. The second option (recommended): Order Scores Automatically from Comparison Screen forces the Insurance Scoring/ Real-Time Rating screen to pop up automatically on all new quotes.  You will fill in details on this screen to order a credit score and real-time rates for those companies that require them.
      • NOTE: If you decide not to check the second option, you will have to remember to press CTRL + V on the Comparison screen to force the Insurance Scoring/ Real-Time Rating screen to pop up.  
  5. The last step to complete this set up is to go to the Tools menu and select TurboLink Setup.
  6. You will not need to enter anything in this screen, simply click on the OK button.

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Turn on activate credit scoring

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