
FAQ ID # 71
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I move an excluded driver from the Exclusions (F6) tab to the Drivers (F4) tab?

Answer / Solution

How to move an excluded driver from the Exclusions (F6) tab to the Drivers (F4) tab without deleting and re-entering?

  1. Go to the Exclusions (F6) tab.
  2. At the top of the screen left click to highlight the excluded driver you want to move to become a rated driver.
  3. Click on the Quote menu and select Move to Driver or press your Shift + CTRL + F12 keys.
  4. The excluded driver information will be removed from the Exclusions (F6) tab and then appear as a driver on the Drivers (F4) tab. 

Related FAQs
How do I move a driver entered on the Drivers (F4) tab to the Exclusions (F6) tab?

Direct Link to This FAQ

Move driver exclusions

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