
FAQ ID # 70
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I move a driver entered on the Drivers (F4) tab to the Exclusions (F6) tab?

Answer / Solution

How to move an entered driver to the exclusions tab without deleting and re-entering?

  1. Go to the Drivers (F4) tab.
  2. At the top of the screen, left click to highlight the driver you want to move to become excluded.
  3. Click on the Quote menu and select Move to Excluded or press your Shift + F12 keys.
  4. The driver information will disappear from the Drivers (F4) tab and then display on the Exclusions (F6) tab.

Related FAQs
How do I move an excluded driver from the Exclusions (F6) tab to the Drivers (F4) tab?

Direct Link to This FAQ

Move driver exclusions

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