
FAQ ID # 7
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
What optional restrictions are available to turn on/off for NetSpawn users?

Answer / Solution

Additional restrictions for NetSpawn users:

  1. You must go into the main copy of the Comparative Rater (a non-NetSpawn copy).
  2. Go to the Tools menu and select Quote Management Setup.
  3. This screen will allow you to turn on or off certain restrictions for NetSpawn users:
    • Allow NetSpawn users access to Quote Reporting.
    • Allow NetSpawn users access to Quote Deletion.
    • Force NetSpawn users to save quotes.
    • Only Allow editing of most recently modified bound quote.  This will have no restriction on undbound quotes.
  4. Once you have checked or unchecked the options you wish to turn on or off, click on OK  to save the changes and exit the screen.

NOTE:  These are the only optional restrictions.  Other items in the program that are grayed out are automatic restrictions and cannot be turned off.

Related FAQs
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Direct Link to This FAQ

NetSpawn additional restrictions Quote Management

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