
FAQ ID # 65
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I turn on the option to run MVR's?

Answer / Solution

How turn on the option to run MVR's in the Comparative Rater?

NOTE: You must be signed up with Softech to pull MVR information into the Comparative.  See the link at the bottom of the page for more information on MVRs and how to get signed up.

  1. Go to the Tools menu and select Order Data Setup.
  2. Click on the Display Order Data Entry option (this will add an Order Data (F11) tab to your Comparative).
  3. Click on the selection where you want this new tab to be placed in the program.
  4. Click on the Display MVR Entry option (the MVR section will be added to your Order Data (F11) tab). 
  5. Enter your User Name, Account Code, and Password.
  6. Click on Apply and OK to save and exit this screen.

Related Links
MVR Information and sign up page

Direct Link to This FAQ

MVR sign up access order

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