
FAQ ID # 60
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I rate an endorsement in the Comparative Rater?

Answer / Solution

How to rate an endorsement:

  1. Open the saved quote.
  2. Make your changes to the existing quote (i.e. add a vehicle, remove a driver, etc.). 
    • NOTE:  Do not change the Policy Effective Date.
  3. Rate the quote and select the company that the policy is currently written with.
  4. From the quote Breakdown screen, click on the Tools menu and select Endorsements.
  5. You will be warned to check the company effective date of rates to be sure that you are using the correct rates for the endorsement.  Click OK.
  6. The Endorsement screen will appear. 
  7. You can type in the existing Policy Number.
  8. The Original Effective Date will be pulled in from the Policy (F3) tab (this is the reason why you don't want to change the date after you open the quote).
  9. Enter the Endorsement Effective Date.
  10. The Original Term Premium, Term, Original Payment Plan, and New Term Premium will prefill the form. 
  11. The Additional Down Payment, Number Of Payments  and Payment Amount will prefill based on the original values.  You will need to change these based on if the insured pays more than the Additional Down Payment displayed and then enter the Number Of Payments remaining on the payment plan (this will determine the new monthly payment amount).
  12. The Days Remaining in Term are calculated based on the Original Effective Date and the Endorsement Effective Date.
  13. The Endorsement Premium will be calculated based on the difference between the Original Term Premium and the New Term Premium multiplied by the Unearned Factor.
  14. You can enter any remarks in the white area at the bottom of the screen.
  15. Click on the Print button to print out the form.

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Endorsement rating

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