
FAQ ID # 6
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I install NetSpawn?

Answer / Solution

NetSpawn Installation:

  1. The Comparative Rater must be loaded to your server and there must be a network mapping of the server hard drive for each workstation to be set up to use NetSpawn.
  2. Go to each computer that will be running NetSpawn.
  3. Open My Computer to the network drive where the Comparative is installed.
  4. Open the ITC folder and then the XXCMP32 (XX is the state abbreviation) folder.
  5. Find NetSpawn.exe and double click on it to start the installation.
  6. You will get a pop up message:  This machine has not been configured for a network spawn.  This configuration may take a few minutes depending on the speed of your hardware.  Do you want to continue with this configuration?  Click Yes to continue with the installation.
  7. You will see a box showing files being copied to your local computer.
  8. Once all files have been copied, the program will open.
  9. Your title bar will now show ?? Automobile Comparative Rating System (Network Spawn)...  (?? is the state name).

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Direct Link to This FAQ

Installation NetSpawn

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