
FAQ ID # 54
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How can I attach a note or memo to each of my quotes?

Answer / Solution

How to attach a note to a quote:

  1. You can attach a quote anywhere in the program, however the best place to add a note is from the quote Breakdown screen.
  2. Open and rate a quote.
  3. Click on the icon that looks like a yellow piece of paper on the toolbar.
  4. This will bring up the Note box.
  5. Click on the New button at the bottom of the screen. 
  6. This will bring up the Note Information box.
  7. In the white area, enter the note information.
  8. If you want the note to pop up everytime you open that quote, leave the checkmark next to Reminder. 
  9. Click on OK  to save the note and exit the screen.


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Attach notes memos quotes

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