
FAQ ID # 50
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I change the default payment plan for all quotes for my insurance company?

Answer / Solution

How to change the default payment plan:

  1. All users must exit the Comparative.
  2. Close all open quotes.
  3. Go to the Edit menu and select Companies or press your <F9> function key.
  4. Left click to highlight the company you would like to change the default payment plan for.
  5. Then click on the Properties button at the bottom right of the screen.
  6. Go to the Pay Plans tab.
  7. Under the Annual Pay Plans and the Semi-Annual Pay Plans sections there will be red checkmark next to the current default payment plan.  If there are no pay plan descriptions in either of the Annual or Semi-Annual Pay Plans sections, then there is only one pay plan or no pay plan available for that term.
  8. To choose a new default pay plan, left click to highlight the one you want.
  9. Click on the Set as Default button to move the red checkmark to that new selection.
  10. Click on Apply and OK to save and exit this screen.
  11. You will be taken back to the Company Setup screen. 
  12. Repeat the steps above to change the default payment plans for all of your companies.


Company Setup default payment plans.pdf (35.3Kb)

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Change Default payment plans

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